

noire existence

is black life. Not only the pure existence of blackness but also the connectivity between the  different shades and flavors of blackness. Noire existence is complex—it does not live in a neat, simple box, it cannot be easily digested or readily consumed. Words aren’t enough to describe it. Photos alone are not enough to show it but with this exhibit we will create a space to make you feel it.


The goal of this exhibit is to portray how we exist — how we live. the beauty, the struggle, the success, the love, the excitement and the disappointment. All of it.

  • The exhibit will feature 1 artist and provide audiences with an  immersive experience that replicate a slice of their individual experiences on a daily basis. The featured artist ”eco system” will include visual images, soundscapes, paraphernalia, smells and perhaps even tastes that bring you into their “noire existence” 

  • In addition to the featured artist, the exhibit will also showcase a small gallery, called “The Street Corner” of 10 single images of black life by black artists. 

  • The gallery will operate as a type of guided trail. Once you enter the space you will be guided through  the featured artist “ecosystem” and then brought to the small gallery “The Street Corner” to conclude. 



Lumen Room White
4301 Bryan St #303
(Third Fl Brannon Bldg)
Dallas, TX



7pm prompt

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