Properly Melanated</em>

Properly Melanated

portrait photography inspiration for black people

// Dark skin has not always been viewed glamorous. Historically, the darker your skin tone, the less revered you were—regardless of what you did or your position in society. The remnants of this, in many ways, still exist today. Case in point, atrocities against sub-Saharan Africans in Libya.

portrait photography inspiration for black people




a dark brown to black pigment occurring in the hair, skin, and iris of the eye in people and animals. It is responsible for tanning of skin exposed to sunlight.

The future is not all bleak. These days, properly melanated brothers and sisters get a lot of props, and rightly so. 

portrait photography inspiration for black people

Here is Abena Boamah, a Chicago-based exceptional human being displaying the wealth of dark skin. These stunning images were shot by Ghanaian photographer David Ocansey.

portrait photography inspiration for black people
portrait photography inspiration for black people
Photo: David Ocansey
Model: Abena Boamah
Location: Accra, Ghana © 2017
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